Established in 1979, the Faculty of Engineering is one of Iran's leading higher education centers in Engineering. It is home to extensive and unique research involving all of its faculty members, most of whom are among the finest in their fields. Comprising of 6 departments and 90 faculty members, the faculty offers a comprehensive range of undergraduate and graduate engineering degrees in Electrical, Textile, Computer, Mechanical, Chemical and Civil Engineering. All of our programs produce graduates that can use their engineering knowledge to work for the future of the country and to catalyze the economy for the better. 

Currently, more than 3000 students are studying at this faculty. Our student body is full of spirit and pride, and they are empowered to work together and learn together while being able to learn to conduct research and put their accumulating knowledge to use. Our alumni are known not just for their academic achievements but also for their contribution to their fields.

Dr. Siyamak Ashraf
Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering
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Department of Chemical Engineering

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Department of Civil Engineering

The department of Civil Engineering focuses on developing the necessary knowledge, understanding and skills ...

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Department of Computer Engineering

The Department of Computer Engineering was established in 2007 and officially began admitting undergraduate ...
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Department of Electrical Engineering


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Department of Nanotechnology


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 Department of Textile Engineering

